About The Film:Directed by Peter Segal, 'The Longest Yard' centers around former NFL pro Paul Crewe (Sandler) who is sent to prison for shaving points. While locked up, he uses his time to try to
transform a group of diverse inmates into a football team. Unlikely teammates, the convicts unite together when they find out who they are playing - the guards. With the help of fellow inmates Nate Scarborough (Reynolds) and Caretaker (Rock), Crewe promises the cons a chance to exact revenge in a showdown where anything goes.
Directed by: Peter Segal
Produced by: Jack Giarraputo
Executive Produced by: Barry Bernardi, Michael Ewing, Van Toffler and David Gale
Starring: Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds, James Cromwell, William Fitchner, Nelly, Nick Turturro, Tracy Morgan, Steve Austin, Bill Romanowski, Bill Goldberg, Michael Irvin, Kevin Nash
part 1
15 Response to "watch the longest yard (2005) full movie online"
what is the name of the song at the credits it is awesome
who is "SWITOUSKI"
the big guy is "switouski"
I Love This Movie!!!!! =)
Best movie ever
falaryous which means funny and halirious combined
bad ass movie
Voice actor for the zebra in Madagascar?
im sexy
Here Comes The Boom - Nelly
Adam Sandler is a Genius :)
part2 06:39 what song play ?
omg thanks for the move! a site thhats legit...no dowmload ad shit thx!
it should be in HD
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